2017 Blog
2017 O’Brien Dohne and Poll Merino
Annual Sale Results
Top priced O’Brien Dohne Ram
Top priced O’Brien Dohne Ram, sold to Mayome, Kyancutta for $3600
Ash and Anna, Paul and Helen May added another stylish crimpy wool Dohne to their impressive sire bank with the purchase of Lot 5 – 160019, sired by Uardry 110353 with great ASBVs including YWT 4.4; YEMD 0.8; and YCFW 10.4. Current (June 2017) wool tests FD 20.9; SD 3.5 CV16.6; and CF 99.6.

L to R: Scrub O’Brien (FP Ag), Jodie Reseigh-O’Brien, Darren O’Brien, Paul May, Helen May, and Bill Sargent (Landmark)
Top priced O’Brien Poll Merino
Top priced O’Brien Poll Merino Ram at 2017, sold to Arunta, Warramboo for $3500
Dan and Trish Vorstenbosch purchased Lot 72 – 160611, a deep bodied ram with impressive growth figures, and well nourished wool FD 20.8; SD 3.1; CV 14.9 CF 99.6 at 123kg’s, and YWT 7.1; YEMD 0.1; YCFW 18.5 was sired by Glenlea Park 012300.

L to R: Scrub O’Brien (FP Ag), Jodie Reseigh-O’Brien, Jordy (LandmarK) Darren O’Brien, Dan Vorstenbosch, Trish Vorstenbosch, and Bill Sargent (Landmark)
Week 23rd July
Thursday saw our 6th ram sale – many thanks to all who purchased rams and supported our growing stud.

Minnipa Ag Crew of Wade, Jake, Jess purchased Lot 76 – 160644 for $2800. YWT 6.5; YEMD 0.8; Yfat 0.5; YCFW 12.9.

Todd and John Matthews bought Dohne Ram, pictured with Shag Wallage. The boom spray must have had a flat tyre, and next year Todd needs to bring Georgia.

Ty and Cooper McKenna, Cooper our youngest ever buyer, together with his Dad, Grandpa Blue and Great Grandpa Henry bought four Dohne Merino rams including Lot 3 – 160086 for $2300. A soft crimpy wool ram with a FD 20.4 and BW 116 kg; YWT 5.6; YCFW 11.3

Dan Vortsy checking out some wool at our Annual Sale
Week 17th July
We travelled to Bendigo Wool and Sheep Show. To see how Dohne Merino and Poll Merino rams from across Australia compared and see some potential sires.
Home to wean lambs, into the feedlot as we are still awaiting green feed.
We have our updated details of sale rams, complete with July body weights. If you would like any further information please contact us. We look forward to seeing you next week at our sale in Wudinna.

Graham Coddington, Jodie Reseigh-O’Brien and Darren O’Brien at Bendigo Wool and Sheep Show
Week 10th July
We had a great day yesterday at our RamSelect Workshop with Michelle Cousins (Cousins Merino) and Ian Bradtke (Merino Sheep Classer – Lazerline and Dohne Assessor), many thanks to all the producers which attended.

Week 3rd July 2017
A photo of Darren at the Wudinna ram day, was great to catch up so many of our clients. Photo Courtesy of Elizabeth Anderson, Stock Journal.
We have been off line for a while with getting ready for Wudinna Expo (held Monday 3rd July), our ram sale and RamSelect Workshop with Michelle Cousins (Cousins Merino) and Ian Bradtke (Merino Sheep Classer – Lazerline and Dohne Assessor).
Week 22nd April
Have had visitors – Jodie’s Mum – Kay, step dad Jeff and nephew Joshua. Joshua has been helping on the farm. Feeding a pet lamb and helping with seeding repairs. Seeding has started, we received 6.5 mm of rain.
Week 17th April
The tanks at the new ‘Sheep Shed’ were connected to the tanks – it must be going to rain.
Week 10th April
This week preparation for seeding has started in earnest, the ‘new’ tractor (we have changed colours) got hooked up to the air seeder. Trace elements have been mixed. All we need is some rain.
Week 3rd April
Darren and Jodie managed to sneak a weekend in fishing at Tulka, including launching Jeff’s boat (FIL) before the madness of getting ready for seeding. Darren pictured with Mickie – a sheep dog who loves fishing and cockles.
Week 27th March
Ian Bradtke – Lazerline (in case you do not recognise him yes he has a beard) came to scan the OBrien Dohne Merino rams for eye muscle and fat this week. A top day finished with a drink at Corrabinnie Hill
The new ‘Sheep Shed’ is in use. Fantastic to see this finished – a dream come true for Darren.
Week 20th March
This week has seen the new ‘Sheep Shed’ take shape, with yards and shelter for our sheep –O’Brien Dohne and Poll Merino. Peter got the Chamberlin 9G tractor going (it has been a few years) to bore the last of the holes for the posts, together with assistance from Scrub it has been a team effort.

New ‘Sheep shed’ is taking shape nicely

Peter and his beloved 9G
Week 6th March/13th March
Over two weeks we shore O’Brien Dohne Merino and Poll Merino rams and stud ewes. Thanks so much to our shearers CB, Yacka, Les and Ryan, putting in the hard years on some very hot March days

Darren shearing O’Brien Dohne Merino ewe

Yacka shearing O’Brien Dohne Merino ewe
Week 20th Feb 2017
Peter reaping medic on our property at Kyancutta. Medic is going to be used to re-establish pastures for our ewes and O’Brien Dohne Merino and Poll Merino Rams.

Darren and Peter (driving the tractor) harvesting medic
Week 13th Feb
This week saw the new hay shed at O’Brien Dohne Merino and Poll Merino started. The shed has quickly gone up thanks to builders Rat and Pascoe assisted by Darren and Peter.
We purchased Rosevill Park RP14005 at the National Dohne Ram Sale together with two other studs.

We recently purchased Lot 1 RP14005 in the National Dohne Ram Sale from Graham and Susan Codington, Roseville Park Dohnes with Richard Beggs Nareeb Nareeb Dohnes and Chris Clonan Alfoxton Dohnes for $20,000.